rezervace dobrodružství

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Pozorování velryb Sabana de la Mar a Cayo Levantado (ostrov Bacardi)

Whale watching tour in Samaná  bay and Cayo Levantado from the port of Sabana de la mar with a local naturalist guide. Visit the humpback whales at the sanctuary and after whale watching in Samaná Bay, visit Bacardi Island for lunch and enjoying the beach. n After this trip, we will take you back to the meeting point where we started. n Please note: Babies (0 - 23 months) free, Children (2 - 10 years) n Check the days available for this excursion:    


Samaná do Punta Cana Taxi / kyvadlová doprava – Transfer Private

Poznámka: Toto je možnost soukromého transferu z Punta Cana do Samany nebo ze Samany do Punta Cana. Pokud byste chtěli přidat další návštěvníky, neváhejte nás kontaktovat. n nV poznámce z rezervace uveďte čas a místo, kde budete bydlet a kde v Samaně nebo Punta Caně jste na návštěvě. n nMísto k vyzvednutí: n nMísto k vyzvednutí: n nČas: n nVyberte prosím datum převodu:     


Soukromé pozorování velryb a Cayo Levantado (ostrov Bacardi) ze Sabana de la Mar

Soukromá prohlídka pozorování velryb v Samaná a Cayo Levantado ze Sabana de la Mar s místním přírodovědeckým průvodcem. Navštivte keporkaky v útočišti a po pozorování velryb v zálivu Samaná navštivte ostrov Bacardi na oběd a užijte si pláž. nPo této cestě vás vezmeme zpět na místo setkání, kde jsme začali. nUpozornění: Miminka (0 - 23 měsíců) zdarma, Děti (2 - 10 let) nKontrola volných dnů pro tuto exkurzi:    


Sabana de la Mar Taxi do Punta Cana / Transfer Private

Note: This is a Private transfer option from Punta Cana to Sabana de la mar or From Sabana de la mar to Punta Cana. If you will like to add more visitors please feel free to contact us. n nIn the Note from Reservation add time and place where you will be staying plus where in Sabana de la mar or Punta Cana you are visiting. n nPlace to Pick- up: n nPlace to Drop-off: n nTime: n nPlease Select date for  the transfer :     


Taxi z Punta Cana do Sabana de la Mar / soukromý transfer

Note: This is a Private transfer option from Punta Cana to Sabana de la mar or From Sabana de la mar to Punta Cana. If you will like to add more visitors please feel free to contact us. n nIn the Note from Reservation add time and place where you will be staying plus where in Sabana de la mar or Punta Cana you are visiting. n nPlace to Pick- up: n nPlace to Drop-off: n nTime: n nPlease Select date for  the transfer :     


Caño Hondo Hotel Pokoj a snídaně zdarma pro 2 hosty

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 2 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You


Caño Hondo Hotel Pokoj a snídaně zdarma pro 2 hosty

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 1 Guest) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You


Caño Hondo Hotel Pokoj a snídaně zdarma pro 2 hosty

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 4 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You


Caño Hondo Hotel Pokoj a snídaně zdarma pro 2 hosty

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 3 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You


Caño Hondo Hotel Pokoj a snídaně zdarma pro 2 hosty

Caño Hondo Hotel n(Free Breakfast for 5 Guests) n nEco-Lodge is magic, peaceful and original place where to stay. This natural and authentic hotel is located in the famous Los Haitises National Park in Sabana de la Mar. All our rooms are full of positive energy with amazing view to San Lorenzo Bay and the Samana Bay! Rooms have a private bathrooms with hot water and a ceiling fan. Breakfast is included, free drinking water and coffee are offered throughout the day. You
