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New Taínos Adventure Agende agora
Observação: após a Covid-19, todos os viajantes são obrigados a fazer um reserva prévia para visitando o Parque Nacional.
É obrigatória a visita ao Parque Nacional com Guia Certificado.
For more information contact us Email:, Whatsapp: +18097206035
All You Have To Know

Parque Nacional Los Haitises

Covering an area stretching 1,600 km² (618 square miles), Los Haitises National Park is one of the crown jewels of the Dominican Republic’s national park system. Los Haitises–which translates into “hilly land” in the Taino language–attracts numerous visitors who come here by boat to see its magnificent series of 30-meter (98-foot) high rock formations jutting out of the water. The park also boasts extensive mangroves along its bay, which is dotted with cays that are home to multiple bird colonies, as well as a series of caves known for having one of the highest numbers of petroglyphs and pictographs in the country.

You’ll easily spot the endangered Ridgway’s Hawk, the Hispaniolan Piculet, the Hispaniolan Woodpecker, the Hispaniolan Emerald, as well as pelicans, frigate birds, herons, and many more majestic birds in flight over the park’s extensive landscape. Los Haitises also nurtures one of the DR’s few remaining rainforests, once used as a filming location for the feature film Jurassic Park. Explore the park by boat from  Sabana de la mar or Samana, hike its rainforest to view flora up close, or kayak along its lush mangrove system where most of the time you will see Dolphins and Manatees.

Conservação da Natureza

Importance of Mangroves

Mangroves are magical forests where we discover nature’s secrets. They straddle the connection between land and sea and nature and humans. Mangrove forests nurture our estuaries and fuel our nature-based economies.

In the Los Haitises National Park, close to Sabana de la Mar, there are 98 km2 of mangrove forests.

Junte-se a nós e ajude a conservar a natureza

Projeto de Reflorestamento de Manguezais

Em 1998, o furacão George destruiu muitas áreas de manguezais e não consegue se recuperar sozinho. Existem vários locais abertos no parque nacional Los Haitises e esses locais precisam ser reflorestados novamente. Os manguezais são muito importantes para o ecossistema. Eles ajudam a estabilizar o ecossistema costeiro e a prevenir a erosão e a absorver os impactos das tempestades durante eventos climáticos extremos, como furacões que ocorrem todos os anos. As florestas de mangue também fornecem habitat e refúgio para uma grande variedade de vida selvagem, como pássaros, peixes, invertebrados, mamíferos e plantas. Junte-se a nós para ajudar a natureza.

Taíno´s Canoe

Live a Taíno Experience

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Beautiful and peaceful place nestled in the heart of the National park

Eco-Lodge in Los Haitises

Visit Eco-Lodge
See more options to stay close to Los Haitises National Park
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